Academic Genealogy of Vagan Terziyan

(just one branch from the genealogy tree according to the Mathematics Genealogy Project)









Teacher of

Students (PhD) of Vagan Terziyan

From 1993


Igor Popkov (1993); Artem Koltsov (1996); Sergey Maryin (1998); Olga Vilchinska (2001); Vladimir Ryabov (2002); Alexey Tsymbal (2002); Oleksandra Vitko (2003); Natalia Kohvakko (2006); Sergiy Scherbak (2006); Alexander Shevchenko (2006); Dmytro Zhovtobryukh (2006); Anton Naumenko (2007); Oleksiy Khriyenko (2008); Mariia Golovianko (2011); Sergiy Nikitin (2011); Maxim Beloivanenko (2013); Michal Nagy (2013); Oleg Pochanskiy (2013); Michael Cochez (2016); Mariia Gavriushenko (2017, student of Khriyenko O.).


Descendants of Vagan Terziyan

Vagan Terziyan



[Math. Genealogy] [WebPage] [ORCID] [Scholar] [SemanticScholar] [ResearchGate]. Vagan Terziyan (1958…) is a Ukrainian mathematician, computer scientist and expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI). He established the first in Ukraine department of Artificial Intelligence and first academic program on Intelligent Systems in cooperation with European universities. Long time worked in Finland. He invented several multilayered knowledge models (semantic metanetwork, metapetrinet, Bayesian metanetwork, concept of executable knowledge, etc., suitable to design self-managed knowledge-based systems). He leaded the development of the agent-driven environments for cyber-physical systems and semantic portals for social systems.  Currently working on: development of the Patented Intelligence (Pi-Mind) concept of cloning human decision models; mining voids in data spaces; vaccination and immunity for intelligent systems based on Generative Adversarial Networks. He is strong believer in Singularity and Superintelligence and he is sure that humans must think what they can do for the AI, rather than the other way around.


Students of Vagan Terziyan

Vladimir Lovitskii



[Math. Genealogy] [ResearchGate]. Vladimir Lovitskii (19412013(?)) was a Soviet and Ukrainian (and later British) computer scientist, software engineer and expert in Artificial Intelligence. After his PhD he had an exceptional for the Soviet scientist opportunity to have research training in USA in the best laboratories in Artificial Intelligence. He brought back a lot of experiences and created systematic teaching and research in Artificial Intelligence combined with Software Engineering in USSR. He developed several interesting computational intelligence heuristics and models that were the basis for the unique natural language processing system DESTA developed under his supervision.


Vagan Terziyan

Yuriy Petrovich Shabanov-Kushnarenko



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Yuriy Petrovich Shabanov-Kushnarenko (19322015) was a Soviet and Ukrainian mathematician. He is known by his finite predicates algebra and theory of intelligence on its basis. He achieved a number of results in natural language modelling and processing. He is founder of a scientific school on Bionics of Intelligence and the editor of the corresponding journal. He was in favor of using mathematical logic in various fields of Artificial Intelligence and in cognitive perception.


Vladimir Lovitskii

Vladimir Rvachev



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Vladimir Logvinovich Rvachev (19262005) was a Soviet and Ukrainian mathematician and mechanic. He built the foundations of the new mathematical theory of R-functions, which arose at the junction of mathematical logic, classical methods of applied mathematics and modern methods of cybernetics. Одним из основных результатов этой теории является решение обратной задачи аналитической геометрии , суть которой состоит в том, что для заданного геометрического объекта требуется написать его уравнение. One of the main results of this theory is the solution of the inverse problem of analytic geometry (Descartes), the essence of which is that for a given geometric object it is required to write its equation. Исторически эта проблема восходит ещё к Декарту .  Rvachev managed to solve this problem in such a way that it became possible to build the equation of any complex geometric objects in the form of a single analytical expression, which is an elementary function.


Yuri Petrovich  Shabanov-Kushnarenko

Lev Alexandrovich Galin



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia] [Biography]. Lev Alexandrovich Galin (19121981) was an outstanding soviet scientist in the field of contact mechanics. He was one of those who developed an important new branch of the mechanics of solids – contact mechanics. He analyzed a large variety of two- and three-dimensional problems of contact between elastic bodies, taking into account complicated boundary conditions, an isotropy, inertia forces, and other conditions.


Vladimir Rvachev

Nikolai Evgrafovich Kochin



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Nikolai Evgrafovoch Kochin (1901 – 1944) was a Russian and Soviet mathematician specializing in applied mathematics and especially fluid and gas mechanics. Kochin's research was on meteorology, gas dynamics and shock waves in compressible fluids. He solved the problem of small amplitude waves on the surface of an uncompressed liquid in Towards a Theory of Cauchy-Poisson Waves in 1935. He also worked on the pitch and roll of ships. In aerodynamics he introduced formulae for aerodynamic force and for the distribution of pressure.


Lev Alexandrovich Galin

Solomon Grigorevich Mikhlin



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Solomon Grigor'evich Mikhlin (1908 – 1990) was a Soviet mathematician of who worked in the fields of linear elasticity, singular integrals and numerical analysis: he is best known for the introduction of the concept of "symbol of a singular integral operator", which eventually led to the foundation and development of the theory of pseudodifferential operators.


Lev Alexandrovich Galin

Alexandr Alexandrovich Friedmann



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Alexander Alexandrovich Friedmann (1888 – 1925) was a Russian and Soviet physicist and mathematician. He is best known for his pioneering theory that the universe was expanding, governed by a set of equations he developed now known as the Friedmann equations.


Nikolai Evgrafovich Kochin

Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov (1887 – 1974) was a Russian mathematician who made significant contributions in both pure and applied mathematics, and also in the history of mathematics. He worked on diverse areas, such as complex functions and conjugate functions in Euclidean spaces. In the applied field his work includes the propagation of waves in elastic media with plane boundaries and the oscillations of elastic spheres. His pioneering approach to solving the initial-boundary value problem to the wave equation formed the basis of the spacetime triangle diagram technique for wave motion (known as the Smirnov method of incomplete separation of variables.


Solomon Grigorevich Mikhlin

Sergei Alekseevich Chaplygin



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Sergey Alexeyevich Chaplygin (1869 – 1942) was a Russian and Soviet physicist, mathematician, and mechanical engineer. He is known for mathematical formulas such as Chaplygin's equation and for a hypothetical substance in cosmology called Chaplygin gas, named after him.


Nikolai Evgrafovich Kochin

Vladimir Andreevich Steklov



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Vladimir Andreevich Steklov (1864 – 1926) was a Prominent Russian and Soviet mathematician, mechanician and physicist. Steklov's primary scientific contribution was in the area of orthogonal functional sets. He introduced a class of closed orthogonal sets, developed the asymptotic Liouville–Steklov method for orthogonal polynomials, proved theorems on generalized Fourier series, and developed an approximation technique later named Steklov function. He also worked on hydrodynamics and the theory of elasticity.


Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov

Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov (1857 – 1918) was a Russian mathematician, mechanician and physicist. He is known for his development of the stability theory of a dynamical system, as well as for his many contributions to mathematical physics and probability theory. He contributed to several fields, including differential equations, potential theory, dynamical systems and probability theory. His main preoccupations were the stability of equilibria and the motion of mechanical systems, and the study of particles under the influence of gravity. His work in the field of mathematical physics regarded the boundary value problem of the equation of Laplace. In the theory of potential, his work clarified several important aspects of the theory.


Vladimir Andreevich Steklov

Andrei Andreyevich Markov



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Andrey (Andrei) Andreyevich Markov (1856 – 1922) was a Russian mathematician. He is best known for his work on stochastic processes. A primary subject of his research later became known as Markov chains and Markov processes.


Alexandr Alexandrovich Friedmann

Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovski



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Nikolay Yegorovich Zhukovsky (1847 – 1921) was a Russian scientist, mathematician and engineer, and a founding father of modern aero- and hydrodynamics. Whereas contemporary scientists scoffed at the idea of human flight, Zhukovsky was the first to undertake the study of airflow. He is often called the Father of Russian Aviation. The fundamental aerodynamical theorem, Kutta-Zhukovsky theorem, is named after him and German mathematician Martin Wilhelm Kutta. As is the Joukowsky transform.


Sergei Alekseevich Chaplygin

Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev (1821 – 1894) was a Russian mathematician. Chebyshev is known for his work in the fields of probability, statistics, mechanics, and number theory. The Chebyshev inequality is used to prove the Weak Law of Large Numbers. Chebyshev is also known for the Chebyshev polynomials and the Chebyshev bias – the difference between the number of primes that are congruent to 3 (modulo 4) and 1 (modulo 4). Chebyshev is considered to be a founding father of Russian mathematics. Among his well-known students were the mathematicians Dmitry Grave, Aleksandr Korkin, Aleksandr Lyapunov, and Andrei Markov.


Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov;


Andrei Andreyevich Markov

Nikolai Dmitrievich Brashman



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Nikolai Dmitrievich Brashman (1796 – 1866) was a Russian mathematician. He is best remembered as a founder of the Moscow Mathematical Society and its journal Matematicheskii Sbornik.


Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev

Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1792 – 1856) was a Russian mathematician and geometer, known primarily for his work on hyperbolic non-Euclidean geometry, otherwise known as Lobachevskian geometry and also his fundamental study on Dirichlet integrals known as Lobachevsky integral formula. He was called the "Copernicus of Geometry" due to the revolutionary character of his work. Another of Lobachevsky's achievements was developing a method for the approximation of the roots of algebraic equations.


Nikolai Dmitrievich Brashman

Johann Martin Christian Bartels



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Johann Christian Martin Bartels (1769 – 1836) was a German mathematician. He was the tutor of Carl Friedrich Gauss in Brunswick and the educator of Lobachevsky at the University of Kazan.


Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 – 1799) was a German physicist, satirist, and Anglophile. As a scientist, he was the first to hold a professorship explicitly dedicated to experimental physics in Germany. He is remembered for his posthumously published notebooks, which he himself called Sudelbücher, a description modelled on the English bookkeeping term "scrapbooks", and for his discovery of tree-like electrical discharge patterns now called Lichtenberg figures.


Johann Martin Christian Bartels

Abraham Gotthelf Kästner



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (1719 –1800) was a German mathematician and epigrammatist. His numerous mathematical writings include Anfangsgründe der Mathematik ("Foundations of Mathematics")  and Geschichte der Mathematik ("History of Mathematics"). Geschichte der Mathematik is considered an astute work, but lacks a comprehensive overview of all subsections of mathematics.


Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Christian August Hausen



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Christian August Hausen (1693–1743) was a German mathematician who is known for his research on electricity. He researched electrical phenomena, using a triboelectric generator. Hausen's generator consisted of a glass globe rotated by a cord and a large wheel. An assistant rubbed the globe with his hand to produce static electricity. Hausen's work describes his generator and sets forth a theory of electricity.


Abraham Gotthelf Kästner

Johann Andreas Planer



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Johann Andreas Planer (1665 – 1714) was a German mathematician.


Christian August Hausen

Johann Pasch



[Math. Genealogy]  Johann Pasch (1661 – 1709) was a German astronomer, philosopher and pastor.


Johann Andreas Planer

Michael d. J. Walther



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Michael d. J. Walther (1638 – 1692) was a German theologian and mathematician.


Johann Pasch

Aegidius Strauch



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Aegidius Strauch (1583 – 1657) was a German theologian.


Michael d. J. Walther

Nicolaus Zapf



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Nicolaus Zapf (1600 – 1672) was a German Lutheran theologian.


Aegidius Strauch

Erasmus Schmidt



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Erasmus Schmidt (1570 – 1637) was a German philologer and mathematician. His proper understanding of the authors from the Greek literature was sought not only from certain rules on the structures of the words and the language to win, but Schmidt was one who understood and explained by intimate familiarity with the language and the circumstances of time as well as the best knowledge of the sources and authors.


Nicolaus Zapf

Johannes Kepler



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Johannes Kepler (1571 – 1630) was a German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer. Kepler is a key figure in the 17th-century scientific revolution. He is best known for his laws of planetary motion, based on his works Astronomia nova, Harmonices Mundi, and Epitome of Copernican Astronomy. These works also provided one of the foundations for Isaac Newton's theory of universal gravitation. He discovered that the Earth and planets travel about the sun in elliptical orbits and gave three fundamental laws of their motion. He also did important work in optics and geometry. Kepler also incorporated religious arguments and reasoning into his work, motivated by the religious conviction and belief that God had created the world according to an intelligible plan that is accessible through the natural light of reason.


Ancestor of Michael d. J. Walther (above) following the backward chain: Johannes Kepler - Ambrosius Rhodius - Christoph Nottnagel - Johann Andreas Quenstedt - Michael d. J. Walther

Sethus Calvisius



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Sethus Calvisius (1556 – 1615) was a German music theorist, composer, chronologer, astronomer, and teacher of the late Renaissance. He was a significant astronomer: in his Opus Chronologicum (Leipzig, 1605) he expounded a system based on the records of nearly 300 eclipses. An ingenious, though ineffective, proposal for the reform of the calendar was put forward in his Elenchus Calendarii Gregoriani (Frankfurt, 1612).


Erasmus Schmidt

Moritz Valentin Steinmetz



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Moritz Valentin Steinmetz (1529 – 1584) was German protestant pastor, astronomer and calendar editor.


Sethus Calvisius

Georg Joachim von Leuchen Rheticus



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Georg Joachim de Porris, also known as Rheticus (1514 – 1574), was a mathematician, astronomer, cartographer, navigational-instrument maker, medical practitioner, and teacher. He is perhaps best known for his trigonometric tables. In 1551, Rheticus produced a tract titled Canon of the Science of Triangles, the first publication of six-function trigonometric tables. This pamphlet was to be an introduction to Rheticus' greatest work, a full set of tables to be used in angular astronomical measurements.


Moritz Valentin Steinmetz

Nicolaus Copernicus  (Mikołaj Kopernik)



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 – 1543) was a Renaissance-era mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe. In 1517 he derived a quantity theory of money – a key concept in economics – and in 1519 he formulated an economic principle that later came to be called Gresham's law. The publication of Copernicus' model in his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), just before his death in 1543, was a major event in the history of science, triggering the Copernican Revolution and making an important contribution to the Scientific Revolution.


Georg Joachim von Leuchen Rheticus

Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Domenico Maria Novara (1454–1504) was an Italian scientist. He was notable as a Platonist astronomer, and in 1496, he taught Nicholas Copernicus astronomy. He was also an astrologer, perhaps for financial gain, as was common at the time. At Bologna, Novara was assisted by Copernicus, with whom he observed a lunar occultation of Aldebaran. Copernicus later used this observation to disprove Ptolemy's model of lunar distance.


Nicolaus Copernicus  (Mikołaj Kopernik)

Johannes Müller Regiomontanus



[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Regiomontanus or Johann Müller (1436 – 1476) was a German scholar who made important contributions to trigonometry and astronomy. His contributions were instrumental in the development of Copernican heliocentrism in the decades following his death. In 1464, he completed De Triangulis omnimodis (one of the first textbooks presenting the current state of trigonometry).


Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara


Georg von Peuerbach




[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Georg Peurbach (1423 – 1461) was an Austrian astronomer who published observations as well as a textbook on trigonometric calculation. He is best known for his streamlined presentation of Ptolemaic astronomy in the Theoricae Novae Planetarum.


Johannes Müller Regiomontanus


Johannes von Gmunden




[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Johannes von Gmunden (1380 – 1442) was a German/Austrian astronomer, mathematician, humanist and early instrument maker.


Georg von Peuerbach


Heinrich von Langenstein




[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Heinrich von Langenstein (1325 – 1397) was a German scholastic philosopher, theologian and mathematician. He studied at the University of Paris, where he finished a Magister Artium in 1363, and became professor of philosophy. He finished a Theology Doctor degree in 1375 and then became a professor of theology as well.


Johannes von Gmunden


Nicole Oresme




[Math. Genealogy] [Wikipedia]. Nicole Oresme (1323 – 1382) was a French mathematician who invented coordinate geometry long before Descartes. He was the first to use a fractional exponent and worked on infinite series.


Heinrich von Langenstein