Project News


YEAR 2001.

December 6. EAIE Information Market exhibition was working in Tampere on 5 to 8 December during 13th Annual EAIE Conference. We rented part of space of the stand 48 of Ukrainian Centre for International Education.  Team of our project presented printed materials with project results and experience of their application into international education. We also published summary of our project results in FORUM Magazine via this Conference.

October 4-12. The Quality Control Meeting, pressconference for local media, Dissemination Workshop for Ukrainian technical universities have been succesfully held in KhNURE with representatives from all concortium and media. See Workhop Program here. Check also examples of presentations from the conference (Natalya Lesna about project-based institutional development, Olexandra Vitko about management thesis work). Feedback from local press is here.

September. The Credit Transfer Agreement between Ukrainian and Greek partner universities has been discussed and negotiated. The workshop on "Management of Students’ Practical Placements" with representatives of AUEB Carier Office has been held.

August 24. The Set of Manuals for Management of Students’ Practical Placements (Outcome 3) is finished and approved. Download PostScript File (Russian version).

August 22. Submitting the paper “The new Framework for the M. Sc. Thesis work” as one but resolute step for Ukraine towards integration into the European system of higher education” to the FORUM – the official magazine of the EAIE. Download PostScript File.

August 6. Ukrainian consortium member – Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics - was given the honour to receive the status of “National” university. From now it is officially called Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics (KhNURE).

August 3. Joint project meeting in UJ. Participants from UJ: Prof. Timo Tiihonen (project Co-ordinator), Dr. Olena Kaykova, Ulla Kahakorpi. Participants from KhTURE: Prof. Vagan Terziyan, Prof. Natalya Lesna, Dr. Igor Sukhoivanov, Dr. Igor Levykin, Oleksandra Vitko, Lydmyla Titova, Alla Kublyk.

July-August. Re-training of staff members from KhTURE in UJ on management of practical placements.

June 16-26. Expert seminar in the KhTURE on the topic ‘Management and evaluation of students practical placements’, held by the teacher from UJ.

June.Dissemination workshops “Instructions for accounting credits and M.Sc. thesis management” in KhTURE for local dissemination. Download the program

May 15. The presentation of project outcomes and taking active part in the work of National Workshop “Integration of Ukrainian Higher Education to the System of European Education” organized by the TACIS Program INFOHUB, Dniepropetrovsk. The target audience: the representatives of the TEMPUS Information Point in Ukraine; representatives of educational institutions from all-over Ukraine; project teams of currently running TASIC and TASIC-TEMPUS projects; representatives of EU partners of Ukrainian universities; mass media.

April 27. Change of the project Co-ordinator. The new Co-ordinator of the project from 1 May 2001 will be Prof. Timo Tiihonen,Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, e-mail:

February 22. The presentation and taking active part in the work in the work of Tempus Dissemination Seminar, organized by Kharkov Polythechnical University and French Center in Kharkov. The target audience: representatives of educational institutions from Kharkov Region; project teams of currently running TASIC and TASIC-TEMPUS projects; mass media.

February 8-9. Project coordination meeting in UJ. Participants: Prof. Jukka Heikkillä (UJ), Prof. Vagan Terziyan (KhTURE), Ms. Natasha Papazafeiropoulou (AUEB). Agreed: Approved Annual Report and Statement of Expenditures for the 1st year, detailed plan and time schedule for all activities for the second year of the project, and Revised Budget and Activity Plan for the 2nd year. Download PowerPoint presentation

January 22. Taking part in Kharkov Conference on Institutional Development and publishing the paper “Information Technology of Credit Accounting in Ukrainian High Educational System” for dissemination of project results.

January 12. Several copies of the published Set of Manuals for Management ofStudents’ M.Sc. Thesis Work and the Set of Manuals for Accounting Credits for Courses and Projects were send to the TACIS-UKRAINE Information Library, Kiev.

YEAR 2000.

November 15. Change of the project Co-ordinator. The new Co-ordinator of the project from 1 January 2001 will be Jukka Heikkilä,Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, e-mail:

October 10. Coordinating workshop.The presentation..

October 6. Project meeting. Participants: Prof. Vagan Terziyan, Dr. Olena Kaykova, Prof. Natalya Lesna, Prof. Victor Zakharchenko, Dr. Sergiy Petrov, Dr. Valentin Filatov, M.Sc. Oleksandra Vitko. Outcome 1 is finished and approved.

September 22. The intensive course on university management started.Download the course program.

September 12. Project coordinator, Prof. Kalle Lyytinen, while visiting KhTURE during Tempus activity gave a lecture about current trends in information technology. PowerPointpresentation.

September 2. Additional outcome: Web-based consulting system for credit transfer and course recognition. Report draft. PDF File, Word File.

August 27. Outcome 1 plus Outcome 2, PowerPoint presentation.

August 18. The first version of the Web-based system for credit transfer. Data structures.

August 16. First draft of the Set of Manuals for Accounting Credits for Courses and Projects (Outcome 2).

August 9. Mailing list of the project:

August 9. Project meeting ‘XML technology for credit transfer’. Participants: Borys Omelayenko (talk), Prof. Vagan Terziyan, Prof. Valentyn Filatov, Oleksandra Vitko, Sergiy Dubovik (KhTURE).

May 16. First draft of the Set of Manuals for Managing M.Sc. Thesis work (Outcome 1). Download PostScript File

May 5. Project meeting on Outcome 1 in KhTURE. Participants: O. Vitko, B. Omelayenko.

April 27. Project meeting in AUEB. Participants: Prof. G. Doukidis (AUEB), Prof. Vagan Terziyan (KhTURE), Maarit Kinnunen (UJ).

February 11-12. Project coordination meeting in UJ. Participants: Prof. Kalle Lyytinen (UJ), Prof. Vagan Terziyan (KhTURE), Ms. Natasha Papazafeiropoulou (AUEB). Agreed: Detailed plan and time schedule for all activities for the first year of the project, and Revised Budget and Activity Plan for the first year. Download PowerPoint presentation