UBIWARE project, Deliverable 3

Deliverable 3.3

UBIWARE Platform Prototype v.3.0

In the year 3 of the platform evolution we have put our main effort to the platform usability issues. To make the platform attractive as a middleware solution, we have to offer a set of platform features that are comparable with other software development middleware available on the market today. Furthermore, to be able to demonstrate the benefits of the platform, we have to show a clear add value the platform may offer.

This deliverable has brought the UBIWARE platform to the qualitatively new level of the middleware solution – the platform now combines the features of the application server, the semantic web platform and the agent-driven platform, where agent-driven semantic applications can serve end customers with the high quality web-based GUIs, enhanced user-friendliness and responsiveness. The platform has become an application-independent runtime environment, where special infrastructure agents take care of the platform itself, not of the applications being run on it. At the same time, we introduce personal user agents, thus making the platform user-oriented.

We design the UBIWARE platform infrastructure for creation of various kinds of applications. Those applications have a freedom to use a web front-end, on-the-platform user management and other infrastructure or define their own platform components depending on the needs of the application.

In the UBIWARE 3.0 architecture we identify two groups of agents. The first group includes the agents which are application-specific, whereas the second group gathers infrastructure agents providing services to those application-specific ones. In the next section we shortly introduce the new structure of the UBIWARE application and then discuss the role of the infrastructure.

Regarding to the 4I (FOR EYE) Browser extension and with a purpose to allow user to import any repository (in RDF or N-triple format) him(she)self, we elaborated general adapter. Adapter is supplied with a graphical interface that helps user to configure adapter with a respect to supported data fields of internal format to be browsed through 4I Browser in the context of close/similar resources.

Deliverable 3.3, Technical Report
Deliverable 3.3, Presentation
Materials of the Steering Committee meeting (31 Aug 2010)